Sundays from 10:00-10:45am
Ages K-5th
Drop off is in lacy hall (the gym) from 9:45-9:55. We meet from 10:00-10:45 on the children’s hall.
Children’s Fellowship
Children of all ages are encouraged to worship regularly with their families. During the sermon, the children will leave to be a part of Children’s Fellowship.
Children’s Fellowship is entirely optional. Children begin the service with their families, they are invited to come up for the Children’s Moment and then leave during the sermon for an age appropriate lesson.
The children will come back before the end of the service to rejoin their families.
Club 345
on the second sunday of each month, 3rd, 4th & 5th graders meet after church, 12:30-1:30pm, for a snack and fellowship.
Also on the second sunday of the month, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders meet in a different area to have a snack, play games and have fellowship.
What is different about Bethany?
We believe that family development and worship is vital to who we are as individuals. In order to create a more connected community of God, we offer a Pray Ground in the front of our worship space. We believe that children have just as much importance in the worship space as any adult. Therefore, we have made an intentional space so that children can be their selves, fidgets and all, and also be a part of the larger group. The Pray Ground offers coloring, fidget items and more to help kids keep their bodies busy so their minds can focus on worship. You and your child are welcome here, exactly as you are!
Safe Sanctuaries: Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults
Bethany UMC is committed to the safety of our children and vulnerable adults who are an integral part of the life of the church.
As a result, a Safe Sanctuaries program has been developed and implemented.